Universal Health Care and the military

Universal Health Care and the military?
What will Universal Health Coverage do to our all-volunteer military?
Has anyone done a study on how providing universal health coverage will affect the enlistment/retention rate of our military? I know that my family, and several others in our unit, stay in the military mainly because of the benefits. The pay isn't great, but when you have kids the free health care is a great benefit.

If I knew that when my husband got out we could have universal coverage for our kids then he probably wouldn't reenlist, and I would estimate that at least 3/4 of the people we know base their reenlistment decisions on things like that (Tricare coverage, bonuses, housing). So if everyone had universal coverage then Tricare wouldn't be such a great benefit so the military would have to come up with other, better, incentives to keep their military personnel with families. Have any of the candidates addressed that or is the Pentagon concerned with this yet?

I'm not sure what the 2nd poster is saying. We don't live on post right now anyways. As for taxes, we pay them now. If taxes go up to provide universal coverage for everyone then we will have to pay those taxes as well - even though we already get healthcare. So my point is that we will be paying for universal coverage anyways, what's to keep us in the military? Tricare is always touted as a great benefit, what will they offer when/if universal coverage negates that benefit?

Answer :
That is a good point..and it hasn't been addressed. At this point, Universal Health Care is the US, no matter what is said during campain season, is at least a decade from happening and that is only after both parties could agree on what that plan should be. And you need to understand that universal health care will not mean equal health care...people can still use private providers if they choose not to use the ones involved in the government program. If it did happen, my gut says the military would offer to supplement the plan to allow wider choice of providers outside the federal programs or the pay levels would go up to make up for the fact they no longer had to provide the health care. In any case, I would not worry about it just yet.
Source : http://answers.yahoo.com/question/?qid=20080404120926AAqHblG

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